Structure of ion channels:
- K channels: 4 subunits (transmembrane domain) proteins arranged in a barrel to form a pore htat spans the membr, are selective for K+ cuase of polypeptide sequence lines the pores of the ion

- Sodium Channels: single (only 1) subunit made up of 4 times repeating 6transmembr. segments, have pore-lining region-->> determines selectivity, lets Na+ pass through, contain voltage sensing domain rotate&moves up causing pore to open by conformational change!

Activation State of ion Channels
3 states of conformational change:
- resting state: closed- no ion flow
- activated state: open-ion flow (Na+ influx)
- inactivated state: closed-no ion flow :
*Refractory period: Na+channels become inactivated as the membr. depolarizes and cannot be activated again until the membr. is repolarized.
membr. hyperpolarized until K+ channels close, so more current required to depolarize membr. potential to more positive
- absolute refractory period: when during AP a 2nd stimulus no matter how strong will not produce a 2nd AP, inactivated closed channels
- relative refractory perod: can last 1-15ms, coincides with after hyperpolarisation, interval during which 2nd AP can be produced ONLY if stimulus strength = greater than treshold.
rapid large alterations in membr. potential up to 100mV from -70 to +30mV, inside cell becomes more (+)!
Only EXCITABLE (nerve, muscle, endocrine, immune, reproductive) CELLS produce AP
Only EXCITABLE (nerve, muscle, endocrine, immune, reproductive) CELLS produce AP
≠ ALL CELLS can produce local potentials

Threshold: point where all Na+ channels open
Overshoot: always go above OmV~ENa+
All or nothing event: once pass threshold always generate this size of potentia, Always get same height, amplitude in graph every cell same Na channels=>same size eq.,
Refractory period:*
Propagate: act of ion potential
No decrement
undershoot: ~EKa+
Conduction velocity: propagation/A.P. conduction, A.P. travels down axon, no backwards cause absolute refractory period inactivated closed channels, SIGNAL<>> MUSCLES
Myelin: ↑diameter of axon, ↑myelin (stimulating substance, round axon, insulation to speed up flow of AP membr.)=> better, faster AP
Nodes of Ranvier (Saltatory=jumping conduction:
node/gaps in myelin, clusters of Na+ channels
Local Potentials: confined to a small region of cell membr., small response,
Local Potentials: confined to a small region of cell membr., small response,
size: vary,
dicited. stimuli
dif.names depending on location/function
decay rapidly,
travel small distances
show summation
e.g. endplate, synapric, pacemaker, receptor potential
depolarized: potential ↓ (-) than resting potential level (Na+ influx)
overshoot: reversal of membrane potential polarity, inside of cell becomes (+) relative to outside
repolarizing: when a membr. potential that has been depolarized returns toward the resting value (K+ Efflux)
hyperpolarized: when potential is more (-) than restin lvl
undershoot: E~K+ r.m.p.
Graded potentials (cause magnitude of potential change can vary): changes in membrane potential that are confined to a relatively small region of the plasma membr. produced < some specific change in cells environment acting on a specialized region of membr. they are given various names related to location of potential/function perform.
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