Κυριακή 27 Απριλίου 2008

L11: Blood

Functions of bl:
  1. Transport: O2+Hb(RBCs) v.little in plasma, CO2-> RBCs+plasma, nutrient: glu&lipids, -waste products (urea&bilirubin)
  2. Regulation: HORMONES (site prod->target tissue), T regulatio-DIVERSION: bl. deeper-superficial vessels

Components of Bl.:

Plasma: H2O, ions, proteins, nutr., horm. wastes

7%pl.w: PROTEINS:

albumins (liver synthesis), globulins (buffers, transport lipids, hormones, vit. metals, clotting enzymes, antibodies), fibrinogens (clot formation, forms bridges between activated pl.)


keep H2O extracellular comp., buffers, bl.clotting role, membrane Xcitability

Leukocytes:WBCs+A/B dye (Leishmans satin): 4000-11000/mm3

Leukopenia >4000/mm3, Leukocytosis<20000/mm3

according to granules:

  • GRANULOCYTES (70%): granular : dye blue

neutrophils/polymorphocytes: ↑count->INFECTION, 2-5lobes, IF <3%:>

contain enzymes->breakdown egulfed bac.-> cytoplasm, amaeboid movement, phagocytosis, inflammatory mediators

eosinophils:2lobes, (3lobed), spherical granules, larger than neutro, phagocytic action, Inflammation-ASTHMA

Basophils: granules: HIS, HEPARIN, degranulation: ALLERGIC REACTIONS (skin rash, anaphylactic shock, urticara)

  • AGRANULOCYTES: monocytes (2-8%), lymphocytes:large/small (20-40%)

Lymphocytes: Large nucleus, small #granules, lysosomal enzymes

  • B-cells: antibody production
  • T-cells: Regulation of antibody production
  • NK (natural killer) cells: immune responce: lyse target cells

Monocytes: LARGEST OF Bl. cells, irregular, often lobed nucleus, phagocytic-SICKLE CELL ANEAMIA, egulf bac+MALARIA parasites, migrate tissues->differentiate->macrophages

Hematocrit: %RBCs/Bl.V pH: 7.35-7.45, 280-295mOSM

Erythrocytes 120 days life span: Erythropoiesis: regulated (hormone): Eryhtropoietin, O2 delivery-> kidneys, ↓O2-> EPO production-> altitude, lung disease, insuffisient heart pumping, anemia

transport of gases: O2-Hb, CO2

ANEMIA: ↓ ability of O2 transport-> ↓RBCs, ↓[Hg]/RBC

dietary iron deficiency, bone marrow failure: cancer/toxicity, poor EPO production from kidneys, ↑destruction RBCs, SICKLE CELL ANEMIA (Genetic mutation-HbS instead of HbA, Heterocyte≠Malaria, Abnormal Hb forms fibres @ ↓O2, RBS shapes distorted, Capillaries blockage, pain, ↓RBCs lifespan)

Platelets/Thrombocytes: no nucleus, discoid

from Megakaryocytes(multinucleus-> bone marrow)

When ↓pl. # ->↑TPO-> release Thrombopoietin (hormone) from Liver -->> pl. production


↓pl.count (thrombocytopenia), pl.adhesion/aggregation (Scotts),pl.metabolism


Hematoma: acumulatn of bl. in tissues

Hemostasis: prevent bl.loss in ↓P/small vessels, difficult staunch bl.loss from arteries


1)PLATELET AGGREGATION (Adherence of platelets to each other)

  • Adhension to surface: vessel injury->conformationally changed collagen+
  • Pl., Pl.activation: adenosine&serotonin (e-dense granules), adhesive proteins (a-granules): (+) feedback more pl.

(ACTIVATION from collagen (subendothelium), mol. (serotonin) made by themselves)

on activtn: pl. active sites exposed: fibrigonen can bind

  • Pl.aggregation

2)BL.COAGULATION=CLOTTING/Thrombus around plPLUG: Transformation of bl->solid gel

2Clotting Pathways:

Intrinsic:Begins in bl when exposed to collagen (from traumat. vessels)

Extrinsic: Trauma->vascular membr.: phospholipids+lipoprotein comples

Both lead to formation of :

F13 (XIII)

Prothrombin-> thrombin-> XIIIa

Fibrinogen ->Fibrin monomers -> Stabilised Fibrin

In an UNINJURED vessel: thrombin bound to thrombomodulin activates PROTEIN C: blocks clotting response

Limiting CLOT FORMATION: Plasminogen activators

Plasminogen------Fibrin------->> plasmin

Soluble Fibrin Fragments formed

Liver: critical role: producing&modifying bl.borne proteins (clotting pathways)

bile salts from liver facilitate absorption lipids: diets, VIT.K REQUIRED fro PROTHrombin Synthesis

BLEEDING DISORDERS: CL.factors: liver, Deppresion of Cl.system, NO VIT.K, HEMOPHILIA (male)- abnormality in XIII

HAEMOPOIESIS:bl. cells not replicate, constnt formation: stem cells->foetal liver->bone marrow

Leukopoiesis: (only LYMPHOCYTES): lympoid tissue: lymph, nodes,spleen e.tc.

Erythropoiesis: (+other bl.cells): myeloid tissue: red bone marrow, bones, ribs e.t.c.

PRODUCTION OF BLOOD CELLS: bone marrow (w~liver)- >thrombopoietin, erythropoietin

pluripotent stem cells-> precursors of any bl.cells: 1st differentiation: Lympoid + Myeloi stem cells

HAEMOPOIETIC GROWTH FACTORS: CYTOKINES: regulate production of bl.c. from st.cells, also Thrombopoietin (pl.prod.) from megakaryocytes, reagulate proliferation&differentiation, prevent normal programmed cell death (apoptosis)

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